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The Most Delicious Foods to Eat After Root Canal Treatment

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Everyone knows root canals aren’t pleasant. However, they’re often necessary to cure your pain and feel miles better than before.

Although you’ll probably go to an endodontist to have the treatment done, not a hospital, it’s still a medical procedure that requires proper aftercare like any surgery. Additionally, some patients need more than one trip, and you need to nourish yourself between visits. So what foods should you eat after a root canal, and what should you avoid?

Eating can be problematic when you have a toothache or you’re recovering from this procedure. Here are the most delicious foods that are gentle on your mouth that you can eat after a root canal treatment. 

Root Canals 101

Root canals clear infection after bacteria attack the soft, pulpy tissue inside of your tooth. Damage often occurs after injury or when untreated cavities leave holes in your enamel. The swelling and inflammation affect the nerve inside your tooth, causing intense pain. 

Over time, the nerves may die — but that doesn’t mean your infection has healed. Instead, it festers unknown, and bacteria continue to proliferate and spread. Bacteria can travel to other parts of your body where it causes considerable harm. There’s a strong association between oral bacteria and heart disease and dementia. 

While the procedure isn’t pleasant — who likes someone digging in their mouth? — it’s more comfortable than many other dental procedures. Your endodontist will numb the large nerves so well that you’ll barely feel any pressure, let alone pain. The relief you feel afterward is nothing short of miraculous, but then your aftercare work begins. 

The 8 Best Foods to Eat After a Root Canal

The best foods to eat after a root canal are soft and easy on your mouth. They also avoid extreme temperatures — think gazpacho instead of boiling hot soup. 

Delicious Foods to Eat After Root Canal Treatment

Why is it critical to go soft? When you get a root canal, your endodontist will insert a temporary filling after scraping out the diseased pulp and killing the infection. However, you’ll need to report to your regular dentist in a few days’ time to get a permanent filling. The temporary version can easily become dislodged if you try to eat anything too hard or sticky. Here’s what to choose instead. 

1. Yogurt

You might know yogurt as an ideal food for nurturing your gut microbiome, which is true. However, you also have colonies of beneficial bacteria in your mouth. Yogurt can help replenish your levels after the antibiotics used during the procedure diminish their numbers. 

2. Smoothies

Smoothies help you get suggested servings of fruits and vegetables when chewing them isn’t advisable. You might not fancy a salad or an apple after your treatment, but a green drink provides your body with the phytonutrients it needs to heal without requiring chewing. 

3. Eggs

Eggs are a fabulous source of protein, and they’re even suitable for vegetarians. You can prepare them any way you like and they’ll be soft enough for you to chew comfortably. 

4. Oatmeal

The healthy bacteria in your gut and mouth needs to eat. Fiber feeds them, and oatmeal is chock-full of it. Some varieties are gluten-free for people with dietary sensitivities, although you should always read labels carefully if you have celiac disease. Manufacturers may cross-contaminate products by using the same equipment also used on wheat. 

Oatmeal and yogurt are especially good if your dentist prescribes a course of antibiotics before you can get to the endodontist. These medicines kill good and bad bacteria alike, and eating these foods can help replenish your natural stores of the positive variety.

5. Soft Fruits 

While apples and even oranges may not be the best foods to eat after a root canal, others, like bananas, are perfect. They provide natural sweetness and nutrition. Peaches and plums are other varieties to consider. 

6. Vegetable soups

You might want to dial down the temperature, as your mouth may feel sensitive. You should also avoid meat, but soft, creamy soups like broccoli cheddar can nourish you after a root canal.

7. Mashed Potatoes

Mashed potatoes are one of the world’s best comfort foods to eat while recovering. Why stick with russets? Try experimenting with mashed yams or even blue potatoes for variety and different nutrients. 

8. Ice Cream

You deserve a sweet treat while you recover. Ice cream generally contains more fat and less sugar than sorbet, helping you replenish lost calories when your toothache makes eating difficult. Gelato is an even lighter choice if you’re looking for alternatives. 

Foods to Avoid After a Root Canal

There are some foods you should avoid after a root canal, including those that might disturb the temporary filling in your tooth. Additionally, your mouth will likely feel sensitive and your jaw may ache from the procedure, making chewing difficult.

Wait to chow down on the following until you have your permanent filling and feel healed: 

  • Sticky foods like caramel
  • Chewy foods like steak and crusty breads
  • Hard foods like cauliflower
  • Crunchy foods like chips 
  • Extremely hot and cold foods

Foods to Eat and Avoid After a Root Canal

A root canal can seem like a miracle cure if you’ve had a throbbing toothache from a nasty infection. However, you need to nurture yourself with the right follow-up care.

Take note of these foods to eat after a root canal to nourish yourself back to health after your procedure. Know which foods to avoid after a root canal to heal more quickly and return to your normal diet in no time. 

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