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Chocolate Manufacturer: Sourcing Raw Ingredients To Create A Celebrated Brand.

“As long as there is chocolate, there will be happiness.” – Wayne Gerard Trotman.

Chocolate is a product widely consumed and loved by people of all ages worldwide.

Consumption of chocolate has been scientifically linked to a longer life.

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, eating a few pieces of chocolate monthly makes your life sweeter and longer.

Chocolate contains a high concentration of fat, proteins, carbohydrates, and bioactive compounds. Cocoa beans are the primary ingredient in chocolate production.

Furthermore, chocolate is a significant source of dietary copper, essential for a healthy lifestyle, and is consumed as a short-term energy source due to the antioxidants and phenolics.

Interesting Facts About Chocolate Consumption

  • According to RationalStat’s research, the global chocolate market is growing at a robust rate of more than 6%.
  • Europe has the highest chocolate consumption.
  • The top four chocolate-producing countries are the United States, Germany, Switzerland, and Belgium.
  • Western Europe accounts for approximately 35% of world chocolate-manufacturer, the United States accounts for approximately 30%, and the remaining 35% comes from the rest of the world.
  • Germany leads the global chocolate market, with an impressive annual per capita consumption of around 11 kg in 2021.
  • Ivory Coast and Ghana in Western Africa are the world’s largest cocoa producers.
  • Europe is the world’s largest producer and exporter of chocolate.
  • West Africa accounts for an astounding 85% of European chocolate consumption annually.

Why the need to source raw material for chocolates from a reputed supplier?

Making high-quality chocolate is a complex and multifaceted process. The ingredients used, how it is manufactured and processed, and the packaging all contribute to the overall quality of chocolate.

The global market value of chocolate ingredients is estimated to be US$15.6 billion, with the market expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.7% through 2032. 

As a chocolate manufacturer, the one thing vital to success is being consistent with the “raw ingredients.” Your chocolates can only have a standard quality and flavor when the raw ingredients used in its manufacturing adheres to the brand’s guidelines.

Here are some points to keep in mind while finalizing the supplier of the raw ingredients. 

  • Consistency in the source of the ingredients.
  • Ingredient quality considerations.
  • Adherence to the required certifications.
  • Strict QC at the supplier’s end.
  • Robust logistics for a smooth supply chain.

There is more to chocolates than cocoa!

We know for sure that cocoa is a must for chocolates. Its bean growth and processing affect the chocolate’s flavor and quality. But so do other ingredients!

Chocolate is more than just cocoa liquor, butter, and powder. The quality of the non-chocolate ingredients, such as milk powder, sugar, vanilla, and stabilizers, also influences the quality of the finished chocolate product.

Let’s look into the main ingredients that go into the creation of chocolate. 

Cocoa Powder

  • Cocoa powder, an unsweetened chocolate product, adds a rich chocolate flavor to desserts and beverages.
  • Cocoa powder is created when the fat found in cacao beans, known as cocoa butter, is extracted during processing. The remaining dried solids are ground into cocoa powder.

Milk Powder

  • Milk powder is a dry dairy product made by evaporating milk.
  • The goal of making milk powder is to extend the shelf life of milk without using a refrigerator.
  • Whole milk powder, skim milk powder, dairy whitener, and other types of milk powder are available.
  • It is widely consumed worldwide for its nutritional benefits and is mostly used in infant formulas, confectionaries, baked desserts, and savory items.

Dry Fruits

  • Dry fruits are considered superfoods due to their high antioxidant and nutrient content.
  • Dried fruit has three times more vitamins and minerals than fresh fruit.
  • It is a tasty, healthy snack that significantly enhances the flavor of chocolates.
  • Chocolatiers have consistently experimented with new chocolate flavors by incorporating various dry fruits.

Orange Peel

  • The skin of the orange has a very distinctive taste. Packed with vitamin C, it’s widely used in the food industry.
  • The zesty, citrusy flavor of the orange peel gives a tinge of freshness when added to chocolates.
  • Like the fruit, the orange peel also has antioxidant properties.

Vanilla Extract/Flavor

  • The concentration from premium vanilla pods is steeped in a dark, amber elixir of inverted sugar.
  • When added to anything, it imparts a rich, deep, and delicate bouquet of taste because of its flavor, strength, and perfume.
  • It can enhance the smooth and delectable flavor of natural vanilla in milk, other liquid bases, cake mixes, desserts, and more.
  • Vanilla extract, a favorite ingredient of bakers and chefs everywhere, can work magic with just a few drops.

Where can you procure the ingredients?

Consider Jeeva Organic when you need genuine, premium raw material responsibly sourced at a reduced price. Jeeva Organic is a top global supplier of Nutraceuticals and Dietary Supplements that get you the desired ingredients. 

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