Difference between Halal Meat and Regular Meat

Halal meat is the only kind of meat Muslims are allowed to consume. The term halal means ‘permissible’ in Arabic and applies to anything lawfully permissible for Muslims. Anything forbidden per Islamic law is referred to as ‘haram.’ Both of these terms apply to meat and other food items as well. There are benefits to eating halal meat which go beyond the spiritual spectrum. Even non-muslims can switch to eating halal meat for several reasons, which we will discuss in this article.

Truboy BBQ’s unique halal meat delivery system delivers freshly smoked halal BBQ to your doorstep anywhere nationwide. Before we tell you about that, let’s get into all the details about halal meat and how it’s different from regular meat.

What is Halal Meat?

There are several rules to keep in mind to classify meat as halal. Contrary to popular belief these rules do not only apply to the slaughtering process. We have listed the various aspects to be followed to deem meat to be halal. Let us be clear that these rules do not apply to pig meat or pork. Pigs are considered haram or not permissible to be consumed by Muslims. The other pointers are as follows,

  • Animals reared for slaughter must be treated well and kept under humane conditions for their entire lives.
  • Animals cannot be slaughtered in front of other animals.
  • The knife cannot be sharpened in front of the animals to be killed.
  • The knife used has to be very sharp and blemish-free.
  • During and before the slaughter, the animal should be in a comfortable position.
  • The animal should be slaughtered by a sane and adult Muslim.
  • Bismillah, which means In the name of Allah (SWT) has to be uttered by the person slaughtering the animal.
  • One continuous motion of the knife must kill the animal.
  • The knife must sever at least 3 of the trachea, esophagus, and the 2 blood vessels on either side of the throat.
  • The spine must remain uncut.
  • The animal has to bleed out completely.
  • The animal must be completely dead before processing.

These rules are referred to as the Zabiha. Following the rules of Zabiha renders meat halal for Muslims. These rules do not apply to fish or sea creatures, which do not need to be slaughtered. Other halal foods include,

  • Fruits and vegetables. Plant-based foods are also allowed except for intoxicants like marijuana.
  • Dairy products made from buffalo, cow, or camel milk.

What kind of Meat is Considered Haram?

The Holy Quran clearly states in Surah Al- Ma’ida, Chapter 5 all the conditions that render meat haram (forbidden to be consumed by Muslims)

  • An animal that has died of natural causes (dead meat)
  • Pork and pork products ( bacon, ham sausage, etc)
  • Animals that have been slaughtered in the name of any other deity or God other than Allah(SWT)
  • Animals that have died due to strangulation
  • Animals that have been  beaten to death
  • Animals that have been killed due to a fall.
  • Animals which wild beasts have killed and eaten.
  • Meat that is divided by casting lots. (even if it is slaughtered following Islamic law)
  • Meat of carnivores (predatory birds and animals)

Why Should You Consider Halal Meat?

Halal meat is cleaner than regular meat obtained and is also believed to be healthier. The main reason behind making this point is that animals in non-halal farms are generally treated in inhumane ways, since, the farmers are not held accountable for the treatment of the animals.

Non-halal farms are also known to use antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides, or animal by-products to plump up the animals. Regular meat is not drained of blood; this makes the meat prone to carrying various impurities, germs, and diseases.

Halal meat is also believed to be juicier and more tender than regular meat. There are no comprehensive studies to stand by this fact. In most cases, the tenderness of the meat is dependent on the cooking time; however, non-muslims eating halal meat for the first time do stress this fact.

Animals that have been mistreated or kept in close proximity in terrible conditions do have the tendency to develop stress. Also, these animals have the tendency to develop diseases, are grossly mistreated, and are hardly allowed to graze or move around in the open air.

Halal farms ensure the humane treatment of animals. The animal is allowed to graze and grow freely bereft of stress. Certain people hold the opinion that meat obtained from halal farms is potentially more tender.

Most meat eaters care about the ethical upbringing of animals and also the ethical practices of the farms towards animals that are due to be slaughtered. In these cases, halal farms do assure better treatment of animals than most regular farms.

Halal Meat Delivery

Truboy BBQ has introduced a one-of-a-kind halal meat delivery system that delivers great-tasting authentic Texas-style halal BBQ right to your doorstep.

Here is how it works.

Halal BBQ is chilled and vacuum sealed straight off the grill to lock in the freshness and the flavor. Your choice of halal BBQ is delivered to your doorstep chilled. Simply follow the heating instructions and enjoy great-tasting halal BBQ with your loved ones. The best part is all orders above $200 include free shipping and Truboy is also delivering to Canada. So what are you waiting for?

Visit the website today and order your favorite type of authentic Texas halal BBQ today. Be a part of Truboy BBQ’s mission to offer the entire nation a taste of authentic Texas BBQ.
