Impressive Benefits of Cumin Powder For Skin

Cumin is a popular spice in various cuisines, so the chances are you may already have used this spice for your food. But do you know that cumin can also treat various skin issues besides flavouring your food? Cumin is packed with various properties that give you healthy skin. It can be used both ways: topically and orally. But before you go buy this spice from your nearest spice store or cumin seed supplier, give it a try; here, learn some impressive benefits cumin powder provides and some ways to reap them.

Benefits of cumin powder for skin

Anti-ageing properties

Cumin provides a high content of Vitamin E, an antioxidant known to fight free radicals. Free radicals are a prominent culprit for a premature ageing appearance on your skin. Vitamin E fights free radicals and prevents ageing-related symptoms such as wrinkles and sagging skin, age spots, etc. 

How to use cumin powder for ageing:

  • Add 1 tablespoon of cumin seeds or powder to 1 glass of water.
  • Let it rest overnight so that cumin’s skin-beneficial properties dissolve in water.
  • Drink this potion first in the morning. Make it a daily habit, and you will quickly notice the effect.

Helps treat boils

Boils are formed on our skin when some toxic substances accumulate in our bodies. Cumin is an age-old remedy for treating boils. It is packed with detoxifying agents, such as cuminaldehyde, thymol, and phosphorus, that can effectively treat boils on your skin.

How to use cumin powder for treating boils:

  • Adding cumin powder to your meals can help eliminate boils and prevent them. Regular consumption of cumin water or tea can also help keep boils at bay.
  • Alternatively, a topical treatment can also help. For this, make a fine paste of cumin powder with water and apply it to the affected area.

Treat skin disorders

The high amount of Vitamin E in cumin can also help your skin be healthy and free of all disorders. Moreover, the essential oils found in cumin have anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, protecting our skin from infections and common skin problems such as acne.

How to use cumin powder to treat skin disorders:

  • Applying cumin powder paste on your face can help eliminate acne, eczema, pimples, psoriasis, etc. For acne, mix cumin powder and rose water, form a thick paste, and apply it to the affected area. Alternatively, add a pinch of cumin powder to your face pack.
  • Anti-acne toner made from cumin powder can help you treat acne effectively. Boil some cumin powder or whole cumin seeds in water. Remove the water from the heat and let it sit to cool down. After cooling down, strain the water, pour it into a spray bottle and use it as a toner.
  • You can also massage your face with essential oils like lavender, tea tree oil, and cumin water to cure acne.

Gives glowing skin

Cumin contains various minerals, such as potassium, manganese, copper, calcium, and selenium, which help rejuvenate skin. Topical use of cumin helps regulate sebums and gives a naturally glowing complexion. Making face packs with cumin powder is the best way to reap the benefits it provides to your skin.

How to use cumin powder for glowing skin:

  • Simple cumin face pack – Mix cumin powder and turmeric powder in a 3:1 ratio. That is 3 teaspoons of cumin powder and 1 teaspoon of turmeric. Make a paste with water and apply it to your face. Let it sit for some time, and wash it off with regular water.
  • Cumin peel-off mask – Mix cumin powder and turmeric powder in a 3:1 ratio and mix with honey. Apply this on your face and wait until it dries completely. After it, peel it off gently and wash the face with cold water. Use this peel-off mask regularly to improve your skin’s glow.
  • Cumin face pack for acne-prone skin – If you have irritated, sunburned, or acne-prone skin, this face pack is ideal for soothing your face. Take a pinch of turmeric and cumin powder, and add some yoghurt. Apply it all over your face. Let it sit on your face for some time, and wash it off with plain water. Don’t forget to apply moisturiser on your skin afterwards.

Treats insomnia

Good sleep is important for healthy skin. Lack of sleep can have adverse effects on your skin’s overall health. Cumin can help if you can’t sleep well at night. It relaxes your mind, which stimulates the release of sleep hormones. Moreover, cumin also has tranquillising properties that help relieve stress and anxiety and promotes good sleep.

How to use cumin powder to treat insomnia:

  • Mix half tablespoon of cumin powder and mashed banana.
  • Consume this every day before going to bed and enjoy better sleep.


Cumin is a boon for people suffering from skin problems. It has many medicinal properties that help treat various skin disorders and provides a healthy, glowing face. If you want to try this spice and add it to your diet and skincare routine, make sure you have enough at hand. Regular use needs bulk cumin powder or seeds, which you can easily purchase from wholesale cumin seed distributors.
