12 Smart Ways to Reduce Food Waste

One of the basic necessities that fulfill each and every human being’s health is Food. The world is nothing without food, human survival will become decreased without food. Hence food is an important thing that we can consider for human survival. Basically, for human survival, Proteins, carbs, fat, vitamins, and minerals are essential to keep them healthier.  A good diet and nutritious food will help to maintain healthier survival. A person who avoids red meat and who will eat more plant-based food will help to live longer and has a lower risk for chronic diseases.

So, we can understand the importance of food, and let’s see how to reduce food waste.

How to Reduce Food Waste?

  1. Shopping List:

Before going food shopping, just plan the things that you really need to buy. Make sure, that really not there in the home bucket already. Because, if you can buy the product that already you are having in the home in the sense, you have to be more conscious of keeping them safe and forced to use them before the date of expiration.

Make sure to keep a shopping list, it may prevent you from buying additional food that you are already having at the home bucket.

  1. Keep your Cupboard Clean:

Cupboard cleaning helps to ensure that you are using all the foods that you are already having and helps to remain the forgotten foods that deserve to eat before they can get spoiled.

Make sure to sweep your cupboard once in a month for cleaning purposes as well as it helps to remind you to use long-stay food items.

  1. Create a Meal Plan:

Create a weekly meal plan to use the food that you will buy for that week. If you don’t create a meal plan in the sense, some food items with a lower rate of time for expiry date will get spoiled easily. Hence, creating a meal plan will help to reduce food wastage and save your long-stay food time.

  1. Avoid Buying Trendy Foods:

Don’t buy foods that you would not eat but are interested in sharing on social media for trending purposes. Keeping those foods unused for a while and finally, it get spoiled is really shameful thing some people will do nowadays.

So, keep in mind, you have to buy the food for your needs. Don’t buy the food items that you really don’t want to eat.

  1. Soak & Cook Beans:

If you leave your beans for a longer time in your cupboard in the sense, the insects will spoil the beans. On the other hand, you may not like the texture of the beans.

To avoid those problems, you have to soak and cook them for a long stay.

  1. List the Foods that you are not eating:

Make sure to list the food that you are frequently not preferred to eat and it goes bad in your fridge or cupboard. Buy the smaller amounts of listed items, to reduce food wastage.

  1. Clean your refrigerator every week:

Make a habit of cleaning out your fridge every week and keep the rapidly spoiled food items in a First-in first-out order. Hence, this helps to avoid food spoiling and helps for a healthy diet.

Sometimes the spoiling odor may spread into the fridge and it may affect any other nearby items. To avoid these circumstances, the weekly clean-out is an effective way to maintain food items without affecting one another.

  1. Storage of root veggies:

Root vegetables are always stored in cool and dark places; hence they have to be kept moist. Food storage is the most important criteria, so break down the roots from the vegetable and then store them in cool dark places.

  1. Make your own dish:

Make your own delicious dish with what you are having at your home, this will enhance your cooking knowledge and creativity. You can make your own dishes with leftover veggies and other food items by using a food processor. For example smoothies, salads, fried rice, etc.

  1. Do not buy offer foods items:

Do not buy offered food items from the supermarket that really you don’t want for your meal. For example, one for two offers, If you really need them, make sure to use them before the expiry date.

  1. Do not waste a scrap of the veggies:

Do not waste stems of lettuce or broccoli, instead of throwing them away, use them for regrowth purposes. It will give you healthy and fresh veggies from your own garden.

You can use citrus peels for pickles and you can use them as a flavor for candies. And also citrus peel will be used as a cleaner to clean your countertops and other vessels.

You can use banana peels as a fertilizer for your own garden.

  1. Donate Food:

Donate the excess food items to needy people. If Suppose you are having excess food in the sense, donate them to needy people whether it is too big or small.

Final words:

Food is a necessary thing for all living things in the world. Hence, there will be countless ways to reduce food wastage. You may reuse, recycle, and regrow your own food items to avoid waste. For better health, make your own cultivation and achieve a healthier life and enjoy nature! Hope this article, serves you with some tips to reduce the wastage of food items at the domestic level.
