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10 Best Foods to Prevent Cervical Cancer

People with a family history of cervical cancer can take more control of their health by adjusting their diet. Certain foods may reduce your odds of developing cervical cancer. Consider adding these preventative foods to your daily routine to support your well-being with natural nutrients.

1. Broccoli

People love eating broccoli steamed, fresh or fried. However you decide to enjoy this great source of soluble fiber, you’ll also give your body cancer-fighting flavonoids. Flavonoids are chemical compounds that activate apoptosis as cancer cells begin to form. Your body will dismantle and kill potential cancer cells more efficiently with broccoli-supplied flavonoids in your diet.

When you’re adding broccoli to your diet, introduce it slowly with small portion sizes. Start with a few spoonfuls to avoid cramps from all that fiber and work your way up to broccoli-centered rice bowls and salads.

2. Carrots

Grab a bag of baby carrots during your next stop at the supermarket. The simple snack contains a key nutrient to help prevent cervical cancer — carotenoids.

Bright orange or yellow foods often contain carotenoids — the nutrient gives them their luminous color. Carotenoids are known to prevent diseases as they flood the body with more antioxidants to fight common cervical cancers. Although you can get antioxidants in processed juices and other foods, carrots are an organic resource that’s also budget-friendly.

Carrots in stews, casseroles or salad bowls may revolutionize your health. Get a bag with one simple grocery run and experiment with your diet. You could include carrots soft carrot slices in warm meals or enjoy crunchy carotenoid sticks perfect for dipping in sauces.

3. Black Beans

People enjoy black beans in various ways. You can make them into rice casseroles, mash them into burger patties and even spoon them into tacos. However you eat them, they could be your next source of flavonoids.

Beans also support your gut microbiome — the fermentation process feeds gut bacteria while your body digests your meal. They’re a cancer-fighting probiotic rolled into one delicious, organic food. Treat your first foray into beans with the same caution as trying broccoli. The fiber and slow digestive process could turn into cramping if you eat too much at first.

4. Pumpkin

Another orange food bright with carotenoids, pumpkins are healthy squash that may reduce your odds of developing cervical cancer. Bake it into bread or mix it into smoothies. However you enjoy pumpkin, it’ll protect your cells against cancerous growths.

Just keep an eye out for cans labeled as pumpkin pie filling. That’s a processed, sugary filling meant only for desserts. Canned pumpkin will have only natural sugars and retain the essential nutrients you need in your new diet.

5. Lentils

Lentils are some of the best foods for cervical cancer prevention because they’re a natural source of folate. Research shows that people with high-folate diets develop fewer cancerous masses than those with low-folate diets. Legumes could be your next big way to protect your health without breaking your grocery budget.

6. Sweet Potatoes

You can also find carotenoids in sweet potatoes. They get their shocking orange hue from the cancer-fighting nutrient, so they’re an excellent source for all-natural cancer prevention. You’ll find them in the produce section of grocery stores and farmers markets, in addition to the frozen and canned food aisles.

7. Apples

Sugar cravings are easy to solve with sweet apple slices. They’re high in natural sugar and even contain flavonoids. As you learn about how improved nutrition helps prevent cervical cancer, try various types of apples. You may find a few you like and enjoy new possibilities for snacks and sides.

8. Fortified Cereals

There are many ways you can enjoy foods for cervical cancer prevention, especially at breakfast. Fortified cereals often have high levels of folate compared to non-fortified alternatives. Look for the fortified label while browsing dry cereal boxes or hot cereal products like oatmeal. They’re easy to spot and add to any daily diet.

9. Lettuce

Lettuce is at almost every restaurant and grocery store. It’s in your lunch wraps, salads and burger shops. Whenever you get hungry, order something with lettuce. The food contains extra water to hydrate your body and fiber to regulate your digestive tract. The additional source of flavonoids will also shield your cells against potential cervical cancer.

10. Avocados

Long after avocados stop being trendy, they’ll still be an excellent resource for anyone modifying their diet to prevent cervical cancer. The fruit has excess folate compared to others you could use to top your toast. 

Enjoy it as homemade guacamole, dressings, soups or slices alongside a sandwich. Your cells will appreciate the extra cancer-fighting support while you enjoy a tasty dish.

Eat Foods to Fight Cervical Cancer

Foods to Prevent Cervical Cancer

Your daily nutrition can help prevent cervical cancer if you approach each meal and snack with an informed perspective. Instead of reaching for something processed or sugary, fill your plate with these whole food alternatives. You’ll supply your body with three essential cancer-fighting nutrients while exploring new recipes.

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