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Cinnamon Rolls – Scrumptious and Delicious

Your mouth filled with water hearing the name of Cinnamon rolls? Well, mine does every time I see a picture of Cinnamon rolls or even I smell Cinnamon powder in my kitchen. So, I came up with a perfect Cinnamon Rolls recipe after many trials run.

It is believed that Sweden is where the cinnamon buns as we know them today first appeared. They are known as kanelbulle there, and October 4th is a national holiday on which they are observed.

In the US, the southern states were where cinnamon rolls first gained popularity, which then spread across the entire country.

Cinnamon rolls are a combination of perfect cinnamon and brown sugar stuffed between layers of scrumptious dough. These rolls can be topped with many types of frosting, the most popular cream cheese, and chocolate ganache

These rolls are perfect for birthday parties along with Stunning Strawberry Cake Ideas for Different Occasions.

Ingredients for the Cinnamon Rolls

With few simple ingredients, you can make the delicious Cinnamon rolls. Even if you are beginner, you can bake these rolls easily with this recipe. Let’s look at the Ingredients of the Cinnamon Rolls

Yeast Mixture Ingredients:

  • Lukewarm Water ½ CUP
  • Sugar 3 TBS
  • Instant Yeast 1 and ½ TSP

Dough Ingredients:

  • Egg 1 Whisked
  • Butter melted 4TBS
  • Salt ½ TSP
  • Milk Warm 3 TBS
  • Yeast mixture
  • All-purpose flour sifted 3 CUPS
  • All-purpose flour ½ CUP
  • Cooking oil ½ TBS

Cinnamon Ingredients:

  • Brown Sugar ½ CUP
  • Cinnamon powder 2-3 TBS

Cream Cheese Topping Ingredients:

  • Cream cheese ¾ CUP at room temp
  • Butter salted ¼ CUP
  • Sugar powdered 1 and ¼ CUP
  • Vanilla essence 1 TSP
  • Milk 1TBS

 Recipe for Cinnamon Rolls

Recipe for Cinnamon Rolls

  • Prepare a yeast mixture with all mentioned ingredients in a glass, cover it with a lid, and let it rest for 10-15 mins
  • Meanwhile, prepare a Cinnamon-brown sugar powder by mixing the powdered brown sugar and Cinnamon powder.
  • Prepare a dough by mixing all the ingredients and kneading it until the dough is formed. Add cooking oil at this moment and leave it for one hour.
  • Take a measuring slab and roll the dough on it in an 18×12 inch size.
  • Spread the butter (½ CUP) on it evenly.
  • Spread the Cinnamon-Brown sugar powder on it evenly.
  • Roll the dough carefully and cut 12 pieces of rolls in a 1.5-inch size.
  • Bake in the preheated oven at 180C for 15 mins
  • Meanwhile, prepare a cream cheese topping with mentioned ingredients and mix it properly.
  • After baking the rolls, add cream cheese topping at the top.
  • You might can add Chocolate sauce for more rich chocolaty flavor.

Here it is, your yummy and scrumptious Cinnamon Rolls ready for you. Make a tea cup and enjoy the two at your couch with your favorite movie.

These rolls can be made in oven or on a stove.

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Tips for making perfect Cinnamon Rolls

  • Don’t warm milk up too much. The ideal range is 105-115 degrees Fahrenheit. Any temperature higher than that is likely to destroy the yeast, preventing the Cinnamon Rolls from rising. A quick trick is to dip your finger in the milk; it should feel warm, but not hot—like warm bath water. Simply wait a few minutes until it is cool enough to touch if you overheated it.
  • A number of recipes ask for using melted butter in the filling, however doing so may result in the filling leaking out before baking. Be sure to use room temperature butter instead. Butter tastes best at room temperature.
  • After spreading out the softened butter, it’s critical to thoroughly incorporate the brown sugar into the butter and dough by rubbing it in.
  • Use eggs at room temperature in the dough rather than a cold one since the latter may cause the melted butter to coagulate or damage the yeast. Simply set your eggs in a dish of warm water for a few minutes to get them to room temperature.
  • Use bread flour if feasible; you can find it at most supermarkets, and it’s the key to soft, fluffy, perfectly shaped cinnamon buns.
  • In order to avoid the Cinnamon Rolls from adhering to the surface or the rolling pin, make sure you flour both.

Wrapping Up

Cinnamon Rolls are a perfect item in your evening snacks or any birthday party. These can be stored for many days if kept in an air tight container without the sauce. You can prepare your rolls and store them for your upcoming events.

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