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Why Black Seed Oil Deserves Pride of Place in Your Kitchen

The oil of a small black seed holds a secret.

The fruit of the Nigella sativa plant is causing a sensation in kitchens all over the world. Find out why this little black seed packs such a healthy punch.

Grown in the exotic climes of Asia, the Nigella sativa plant is a relative of coffee. The bitter fruit of this tree is a small black seed that everyone’s talking about as a powerhouse of nutrition and well-being.

When ground or infused into oil, the power of this tiny seed holds a secret known for thousands of years by only a privileged few. Today, science tells us the source of its power. While this seed is full of antioxidants, one of them stands head and shoulders above all the others as the secret ingredient that makes black seed oil so special.


Live Well

Thymoquinone is a powerful antioxidant, dominant among the compounds contained in black seeds. Modulating reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide, this substance reduces the influence of inflammation-causing cytokines.

Overall, the impact of thymoquinone on the human body enhances organ function. The anti-inflammatory action of this compound has far-reaching effects on health and the havoc wreaked in the body by inflammation.

The research on thymoquinone continues to be small and more study is required. That said, information is emerging (including the study cited above) that suggests thymoquinone’s positive effect on the following conditions:

  • Diabetes
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Hypertension
  • Inflammation
  • Asthma
  • Acne
  • High cholesterol

Research is also exploring the antioxidant’s impact on cancer and while results aren’t conclusive, they’re promising. Black seed oil’s effect on cancer has only been studied in animal trials to date, but these trials have revealed that it seems to stop the growth of tumors and reduce their incidence.

Black Seed Oil Nutritional Profile

High in omega-6 PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) and omega-6 monounsaturated fats, black seed oil is a proven treatment for hair and skin when applied topically. Most people eat sufficient amounts of this type of fatty acid. But where black seed oil kicks into high gear is in its vitamin content.

A great source of vitamins A, B1, B2, and C, black seed oil also contains the minerals folic acid, calcium, zinc, iron, and niacin. But the benefits of making black seed oil part of your family health regimen encompass the prevention of common health conditions. This is achieved by the oil’s ability to lower blood sugar, prevent and address inflammation (including inflammation of the brain or neuroinflammation), reduce cholesterol, and even help you lose weight.

Next, let’s look at some of the ways you can put black seed oil to work in your kitchen, including homemade skin and hair treatments your family will love.

What’s in Your Kitchen?

What’s in Your Kitchen

Because the human body is a complex organism consisting of multiple systems working in harmony, keeping your body healthy is exactly like maintaining a car or a house. Care needs to be taken to keep everything in working order and ready to perform the body’s daily tasks.

The basis of any health regimen is multi-faceted. Adding black seed oil to your family’s diet is a great idea but is that diet healthy? If you’re committed to well-being, I hope your answer is “yes” because smart eating is the cornerstone of living well. And if some of the foods you’re currently consuming are known contributors to inflammation, it’s time to take them off the menu and add the power of black seed oil. Following an anti-inflammatory, healthy diet isn’t difficult and when you add black seed oil, you’re putting your health and your family’s well-being front and center.

Dosage and Precautions

Dosage and Precautions

Just because black seed oil is good for you does not imply that you should binge on it. Like any other health supplement of whatever kind, there are some precautions attached to its use. Overconsumption of black seed oil may, for example, result in stomach cramps, nausea, and vomiting.

Dosages vary depending on weight and the thymoquinone content of the product, so take care to purchase black seed oil from a reputable producer and check their dosage recommendations. Also, let your primary caregiver know your plans to ensure there are no contraindications with any medication you’re currently prescribed.

A Robust, Pungent Flavor

Black seed oil is pungent and at its most curative and nutritious when taken raw. In fact, black seed oil is best not heated, due to the effect of heat on nutrients. So, how do you consume this amazing oil?

Take black seed oil as directed from a teaspoon in either oil or powdered form. The flavor of black seed is sharp and a little spicy. Mixing it with balsamic vinegar and olive oil mellows the bite of black seed oil, especially when the mixture is tossed in a fresh salad. Include black seed oil in smoothies, using vegetables like kale, beets, and celery to take advantage of black seed oil’s flavor. Or add it to a Virgin Bloody Mary for a mocktail with considerable health benefits!

For Hair and Skin

For Hair and Skin

Black seed oil brings a unique infusion of strength and luster to your hair and skin. Its wealth of fatty acids creates both a moisturizing and a sealing effect. Your hair is nourished, while protected from potential damage.

Blend equal amounts of black seed oil and coconut oil to create a single-use emulsion. Work through to the ends of your hair and allow it to set for 30 minutes. Wash out, using a small amount of mild shampoo to retain the treatment’s benefit.

For your skin, the moisturizing and sealing effects of black seed oil protect it against the elements and contaminants, while moisturizing deeply. Create a nourishing, natural face balm with this recipe:

  • 2 teaspoons black seed oil
  • 2 tablespoons jojoba oil
  • 2 tablespoons sweet almond oil
  • 1 teaspoon vitamin E oil
  • 1 tablespoon rosehip oil

Blend all ingredients and place them in a glass jar to nourish your face with just a drop of two of natural oils.

Black seed oil deserves pride of place in your kitchen, with myriad health, wellness, and beauty benefits for the whole family. Here’s to your wellness and the health-boosting benefits of black seed oil!

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